Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Rich, Frank, and I hit Baldy shoulder. About a foot of fresh with moderate wind. Zach hit Main Baldy and had no avy problems although McLean found a layer of graupel near there a week earlier. Then we hit a line near High Rustler. Not bad for only about 18 inches on the ground.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Boulder Mountain

elk hunt
Deer Creek Lake
Capitol Reef
Green Lake

Paxton photo
paxton photo

So that's why they call it Boulder Mountain

Thursday, October 22, 2009


10/15. finally landed a bow

The hatchery truck showed up at Renegade and so did hundreds of seagullsJose's first time lake fishing
With a high pressure in place the action was good once we found a school of fish. Used 5 sink with white bugger stripped fast
Jose used 3 sink with olive bugger
they are getting fat

Went back saturday evening 10/17 and absolutely slayed them with 7 sink and white bugger (w pink attractor fly). Lots of short strikes though. Stomach sample was green daphnia. Water temp 46. Returned 10/22 with Braden and had slow fishing due to low pressure moving in.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

New route in LCC

Nate's new route is along the white side of the gully. 5 pitches so far, should be 8 to the ridge.
Seen from the park and ride
Matt Lemons making sure his car is still there

Friday, October 9, 2009

Clamshell photo shoot

fall evening
Nate invited me up to the Clamshell (Alta, Hellgate Cliffs) for a catalog photoshoot

The VP, Rich Morris, came along but got too cold to finish any climb

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bryants Fork

An unusually intense algae bloom at Bryants Fork
it was all over the lake actually
Low pressure moving in slowed the fishing big time but still a few caught on white, red, and black buggers with 3 sink. Seems like fish prefer slower retrieve when barometer is falling.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Strawberry and the River

Horse Creek at dawn. Water temp 54. There are not alot of fish up shallow yet.
With the elk and duck hunt going on it sounded like World War 3 when the sun came up. Duck hunter and his decoys in this photo.

Strawberry River. Solid fish as usual caught on #22 glass bead baetis midge fly. Nice baetis hatch came off (it was cloudy). Only a few cars and one guide from Trout Bum. Water temp 54 and flow around 110?. Still quite mossy and not alot of fish in the upper section yet.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

First Ski Day of Season

About a foot of snow fell at Alta. That's enough to get out.

Gunsight. Clanton photo
Clanton photo
Clanton photo
Clanton photo