I planned on spending all Saturday tying flies for Canada but Kyle wanted to fish and I couldn't refuse. So we got up at 4 and hit the berry (Horse Creek again). Kyle got one soon on a renegade trolling out in the middle, but that was it for him. He somehow managed to fill his waders with frigid lake water (50 degrees) so he quit early.
I didn't do much better. Should have focused on shallow water using damsels, midges, and scuds but I had this craving to just go troll big flies in deep water like a jackass. Hey, sometimes it works really well. Sometimes...
And what a fine chub I dredged out of the depths. Just jigging that conehead bugger right on the bottom about 20 feet deep. Are the trash fish coming back???

After seeing a decent chironomid hatch I had enough sense to fish shallow water a bit before leaving. Picked up two fish quickly just trolling a chironomid pattern (#14, maroon rib, black flash, black bead) through the littoral zone. Wanted to fish more (and fish the chironomid properly) but Kyle wanted out. Pumped one fish- a damsel nymph and some chironomids

Wanting to end the day on a better note, I somehow convinced Kyle to let me check out a small lake nearby for a half hour. Not enough time to figure it out but was impressed by the number of scuds I saw in the shallows - some clinging to my boots. I'll be back to that place in the fall....